seen the place so packed! Standing room only. Hardly space enough to move, breathe, or even breakdance (Perfect environment for dropping stealth mad-ass though).
Food was great. Art was great. Company was great. The positive energy in the air was palpable. AND some people actually went home with some official Shtephenshwagen(tm)!
These are the two that sold, in addition to some assorted prints & buttons.

"What did you say about my glasses?"

"More Trouble Ahead for GM"
Thanks to Carrie and Jamie, P-Space proprietors, who encouraged me to get some things together for the show. I couldn't have done it without them, or even conceived showing my doodles in public was even an option. Especially alongside "real" artists who pretty much dwarf my skillz. I think the last time I ever sat down with the intent to draw or paint I must've been, like, 13. So now I'm picking up at the level I left off at. Guess I'm still a kid at art. What fascinated me then still fascinates me. Robots & boobs. Heh, that'll be the title of my very first solo show. "Boobs 'n' Bots."

p.s. show me your doodles